How To: End of Lease Oven Cleaning

May 26th, 2015

Your lease is coming to an end and your worst nightmare is just around the corner – end of lease cleaning. Now, that’s something nobody looks forward to. Three things are important when it comes to getting it right in the first place.

1. Book the right end of lease cleaners;

2. Tell them everything about every stain – not to satisfy their curiosity, but to help them help you, if you know what I mean. Come clean with your cleaners and they will hopefully get rid of all stains and spills.

3. Pay attention to the five most problematic areas – walls, carpets, ovens, windows and yard. These are landlord’s favourite areas to examine under the microscope and you have to be ready to show them without a risk of losing a chunk of your deposit.

It’s not like our end of lease cleaners won’t give it a thorough and professional oven cleaning, but it never hurts to actually know a trick or two and maintaim it in good condition always. After all it’s where food comes from and if you want it to be delicious and healthy, you need to clean your oven regularly.

How To Clean Your Oven Properly on a Regular Basis

Put a heat proof bowl filled with water in the oven. Adjust to a maximum heat. The steam will help soften all the grease build-up and you can scrub all that a lot easier afterwards. Use a paste of baking soda and water and apply inside your oven and on the shelves equally. Let it stay. We advise you to leave it overnight if possible. In addition, you can get a spraying bottle, fill it with vinegar and let it fizz. All you need to do is wipe afterwards with a sponge and water. Another way to clean the shelves is if you put them in the dish washer. Check manufacturer’s instructions and if they agree with this method. Alternatively you can also soak the shelves in a bathtub filled with hot soapy water.

If you are using commercially-bought detergents keep in mind those are strong, toxic and dangerous. Commercial detergents can cause burns and skin and airways irritation. Keep children and pets away for the time being and open windows for better ventilation.

  • Don’t forget to spread some towels on the bottom of your bathtub, because the shelves are likely to scratch its finish
  • Clean after every use – prevention is always the best solution. Spills and stains are best removed as they occur and are still fresh.
  • If you still hate it go for self-cleaning ovens – they are low-maintenance.

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